Vision & Mission Statements

Providing the keys to unlock the future.

The J.C. Way

Be Honest

Be honest with yourself and others

Do what you say you'll do

Have the courage to do the right thing

Take ownership of actions and words

Search for clear understanding

Be Safe

Be safe physically and emotionally

Maintain a non-threatening environment

Give put-ups and appreciations

Keep hands and feet to yourself

Be Respectful

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Accept differences

Use good manners

Be considerate of the feelings of others

Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements

Be Caring

Be kind

Be compassionate and show you care

Express gratitude

Forgive others

Help people in need

Be Responsible

Do what you are supposed to do

Keep on trying

Use self-control

Be self-disciplined

Think before you act

Be accountable for your choices

Clean up after yourself

Strive for Growth

Always try your best

Ask questions if you do not understand

Make all you do worthy of pride

Continually working on your challenge areas

Move forward academically and socially

Based on the Basic School research of Ernest L. Boyer